Achieve Your Victory!

As we gear up for the 2024-2025 Track Shack Running Series presented by AdventHealth, themed "Achieve Your Victory," we are privileged to introduce you to a diverse group of runners and walkers who have embraced the challenge with determination and passion. 

From seasoned athletes chasing personal records to newcomers taking their first steps towards a healthier lifestyle, each one brings a unique story and motivation to the start line. 

Join us as we celebrate their perseverance, dedication, and unwavering spirit in pursuit of their goals. These are the champions among us, and their stories are sure to ignite your own journey towards victory.

Gian's Journey: Rediscovering Passion 

Gian moved to the United States from Venezuela in 2017, bringing with him a passion for running that had defined much of his life. However, adjusting to a new routine and a demanding work schedule made it challenging for him to maintain his running habit. In 2019, a chance discovery of Track Shack on social media reignited his enthusiasm. His first race in the Series was AdventHealth Run 4 Love 4 Mile, where he rekindled his love for the sport.

Since then, Gian's journey has been nothing short of inspiring. In 2022, he achieved a major milestone by completing his first marathon at the Chicago Marathon. His dedication and perseverance earned him the title of Fanatic – SuperFan in 2023.
Gian reflects on his running experiences with a sense of joy and accomplishment, stating, “No matter the miles of the race, I always applaud them and celebrate them like the first time.” Gian's story is a testament to the power of passion and community in achieving personal victories.

Zayn and Asima: A Mother-Son Journey

First timers, Zayn and Asima signed up as Fanatics to get themselves moving. Zayn doesn’t compete in team sports, so they needed a fitness goal like completing the Track Shack Running Series presented by AdventHealth to stay motivated.

But it's not just the exercise that keeps this mother-son duo coming back. They bond during the sleepy early morning drives to the races and treat themselves to breakfast together after almost every race.

Asima shares, “It's so important for him to see that I try my best, but that I'm not necessarily the best, and that's okay. I'm just out here competing against myself! He was worried about his times in the beginning, but now he just has fun and is proud that he got up and ran.”

Mom-son fitness goal achieved!

Romelie's Journey: All In

Romelie found her love of running through Track Shack and her longtime employer, Hannover Re. Her first Track Shack event was the 2017 IOA Corporate 5K as a “Walker”. She then became a Fanatic in 2018. Fast forward to the present – she’s participated in over 50 Track Shack events and has recruited her friends, family and colleagues to participate in races and become Fanatics just like her. She ran her first half marathon in 2020 and her first full marathon in 2023! This year she plans on running the Chicago Marathon and credits Track Shack and the Series with fueling her love of running to be able to run a World Major Marathon.

For Romelie, it's all about the swag, the cheering crowds, the post-race fun and the fact that committing to 6 races each season keeps her motivated to go out there and run every week.

Her enthusiasm is contagious – she wants to continue to inspire as many people as she can to come out to run or walk and to just have fun every step of the way.

Share Your Fanatic Story!

Are you a current or past Fanatic? We'd love to invite you to share your personal victory goal with us. What are you aiming to achieve during the running series? Whether it's conquering a new distance, setting a personal best time, or simply having fun, we want to hear about it! Click here to share your story.

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